If the received treatment had a negative impact on health or the psyche – you can file a lawsuit demanding financial compensation. Consider the cases when it really is worth doing. How malpractice is different from a mistake When getting sued for medical malpractice, the courts verify whether the actions […]
Medical malpractice
So, what can be considered medical malpractice? As a rule, any non-standard treatment given by the attending physician, which does not fit into the established norms and standards, is considered medical negligence. This applies not only to the treatment itself, but also to examinations, prescription of drugs, as well as […]
Most likely, there are no other trials related to damage, in which the knowledge, erudition, and experience of a lawyer are so important as medical negligence and malpractice. Know what you are doing. The basic principle of conducting claims related to medical negligence is the approach to doctors, which boils […]