The past year has been tough for most people, especially for those in financial difficulties. 9.2% of the world’s population lives in extreme poverty – less than $1.90 a day – a number that has decreased since 1990. That decrease, however, has been threatened by the effects of COVID-19 and […]

Startups trying to get off the ground face a mountain of challenges. Unless the startup founders have a background or training in law, legal concerns are put on the backburner. Failure of the startup to consider legal issues can hinder a startup in the future. To avoid this, startups must seek the right attorney for legal advice. A good attorney will provide startup legal advice to the founders regarding the business structure and tax obligations.

Recruitment is an overall process of attracting, identifying, screening, interviewing, and short-listing suitable candidates for jobs. If you are willing to start a new recruitment business, know that recruitment agencies do not just identify and contact candidates for their clients. Recruitment agencies aim to provide career choices for candidates as […]