How to Choose a Tattoo for a Man?

Today we’ll talk about how to choose a tattoo and how to choose a place for a tattoo. This is not so easy to do, but there is nothing particularly difficult about it. You need to understand that the tattoo will be on your body all your life. Therefore, the choice should be deliberate, balanced, taking into account how the image on the body will look, not only immediately after application, but also several years later, when you already have your own children!

A few basic tips on how to choose a tattoo

We must admit that many do not even know how to choose a tattoo. Often they are guided by emotions and momentary desires. For example, one of the rules says that you cannot go to the master and apply a drawing on the body as soon as there is a desire to decorate yourself with a tattoo.

Several weeks should pass between the two events – the emergence of desire and the actual picking of the picture. This time is necessary in order to accurately understand and realize whether you want a tattoo, and to see it’s not a one-minute desire.

how to make tattooing a way of life

Here are some tips on how to choose a tattoo for a man

  • Decide on the place of application – think about whether you want to show the drawing to others or prefer it to be hidden under clothes.
  • Think about the style in which you want to apply a tattoo – there are a lot of styles, familiarize yourself with them, and if you cannot make a choice yourself, consult with the master.
  • Select a few sketches that you like and, based on them, ask them to make a unique sketch for you.
  • Think about what colors you want to use in the tattoo – just black or different, brighter colors.
  • Look for inspiration and ideas on social sites, tattoo exhibitions, and tattoos artists’ blogs.
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Fortunately, today there should be no problems with how to choose a tattoo for a man. Indeed, on the Internet, including on our website, there are many photographs of real tattoos. Having looked at such photos, each person will be able to understand on which part of the body he wants to wear the image, which style he likes more than others, and which colors will be winning.

It’s important to mention, that if you are not sure about a real tattoo, you can always have a henna one, made with a henna tattoo kit.

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How to choose a tattoo by nature: the main meaning of the figures

If you still can’t decide, we will tell you how to choose a tattoo by character – for this, you should pass a simple psychological test. To do this, you need to choose two of the five geometric shapes (square, rectangle, triangle, circle, zigzags) that you like more than others, and then get acquainted with their characteristics.

The information received will allow you to understand in which direction you need to move in order not to make a mistake with the choice. We recommend that you first select the shapes, and then read their description – this way the testing will be as objective as possible.

  • Square. The choice of hardworking, those who always bring any business to the end. For people who like the square, everything happens in a timely manner.
  • Rectangle. Often it is chosen by those who are just looking for themselves and their place in life. Such people have an inquisitive mind, they are brave and are interested in everything that happens around.
  • Triangle. Leader selection. The figure is preferred by those who know how to concentrate correctly on the goal and who knows how to arrive at it.
  • A circle. This is the figure of those who know how to empathize.
  • Zigzags. The choice of creative individuals.
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tattoos ideas for a man

How to choose a tattoo for a man by color

By the way, if you are interested in how to choose a tattoo by nature, be sure to pay attention to the colors that you want to use in the drawing. Here is a summary of the primary colors:

  • Red – improves mood, gives energy, but it should not be used too much.
  • Yellow – activates thought processes, but a large amount of it leads to anxiety.
  • Blue – calms and relaxes.
  • Green – reliability, support, fertility.
  • Purple – helps relieve overexcitement.
  • The same characteristics apply to the shades of the listed colors.

Johnny Thompson

Johnny Thompson is a senior reporter for Generator Research in Los Angeles, reporting on technology, business, finances, and more. He previously worked as a reporter for the Wall Street Journal and got his start at newspapers in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.

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