Beat The Laundry Day Blues

It is the one time a week we all dread – laundry day. It is tedious, time-consuming, and to be quite honest, painful. We are here to ease the hassle.

Whether we like to do it or not, laundry is that never-ending cycle that always seems to pop up at the most inconvenient time. Not only do you need to sort your clothes and make sure you are using the correct temperature and detergents, but you need to pack and unpack the machine – in addition to hanging up the wet clothes before taking them down and packing them into your closet. It is a long day of waiting.

Luckily, the world is changing and some of our more painful home chores have become automated. While the packing aspect is still a work in progress, the washing side of it has become a lot easier to manage. Smart appliances such as washing machines can now sense the clothing in the load and use the correct settings to clean the fabrics – you can even start the load using your phone and monitor its progress.

How to make the most of washing day

Address stains

The longer you leave them, the harder they are to move. Unfortunately, we do not always have stain remover on hand when these accidents happen. Shampoo is great for removing oil stains and marks on dirty collars while toothpaste can be used to remove grass stains. To remove sweat and blood, soak the clothes in cold water. You can thank us later.

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Get to know your machine

The best way to preserve the integrity of your clothes is by washing them using the correct settings. While smart washing machines can take the guesswork out of this process, not all of us are lucky enough to have one of these or even a smart TV just yet.

Kill germs

If someone in your home is sick, or even when washing bedding, try to wash it at a high temperature to kill germs and bacteria. Always check the labels to determine what temperature is the maximum temperature that you can use on your clothing. The idea is to sanitise it, not destroy it.

The best drying method

Most washing machines end on a spin cycle that gets rid of the excess water on the clothing, which will leave them slightly damp. From here, you can choose between airing it out to dry on a washing line or using a tumble dryer. Of course, the latter is a quicker and more convenient option, however, it does take its toll on your electric bill and can heat the space quickly – not ideal in summer.

Do not overthink it

The key to laundry day is keeping it simple so that you have more time to spend on Australian sports betting. While there are certain aspects that you cannot control such as the time it takes to complete a cycle, there are things that you can do to make the day a lot simpler and easier to manage.

Johnny Thompson

Johnny Thompson is a senior reporter for Generator Research in Los Angeles, reporting on technology, business, finances, and more. He previously worked as a reporter for the Wall Street Journal and got his start at newspapers in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.

One thought on “Beat The Laundry Day Blues

  1. Drying the laundry in the open air is the best method, also for the health of the planet. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to do so.

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