How Much is the Cost for Best PRP Hair Treatment?

You may not want to hear this, but the fact is, but at some point in your life, you may end up losing hair. Hair loss is a common skin or condition that affects many people worldwide, especially the elderly. When it happens to you, it disrupts your lifestyle and status. Frankly, no one wants to lose hair, no matter how little it is. Hair loss can happen gradually over some time, or you can start losing hair suddenly. 

Fortunately, you don’t need to accept defeat and move on, while there are several hair loss treatments to help you restore your hair. Examples of hair restoration techniques available in various clinics worldwide are hair transplants, scalp micropigmentation, laser treatments, and PRP treatment for hair loss. All these methods are unique; however, one of them is quite effective when treating hair loss. This hair technique is known as PRP hair treatment

In this article, we will describe what PRP is for hair loss, how it is done, and how much it costs. 

What is PRP Hair Treatment Therapy? 

As we have just stated above, doctors use several kinds of hair treatment techniques to treat hair loss. On if the modern method of hair restoration is the PRP hair treatment procedure. For those who are not intimate with PRP hair treatment, it stands for platelet-rich plasma. This method treats hair loss by extracting and injecting platelet-rich plasma into the areas that don’t grow hair. 

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Doctors who use platelet-rich plasma techniques when treating hair loss extract PRP from the patient’s blood sample. After extraction, they inject the solution into the patient’s scalp area that doesn’t grow sufficient hair. 

How the PRP Hair Treatment is Performed 

When performing the PRP hair treatment procedure, the doctor will draw the patient’s blood with a syringe. The sample of blood needs to be examined to determine whether there are enough platelets for the procedure. If it is enough, the blood sample is then put in a centrifuge device which spins it rapidly to separate the three different blood components – the red blood cells, platelet-rich plasma, and plasma that contains low platelet concentration. 

Our blood contains several components, including white blood cells, red blood cells, and plasma. The centrifuge machine takes about ten minutes to spin the blood sample very fast. Once the sample is removed from the device, it will divide the blood sample into three layers. Once these three components are separated, platelet-rich plasma will be extracted and injected into the patient’s scalp. 

What Makes PRP Effective Against Hair Loss? 

PRP therapy is utilized to treat hair loss; it is also used to treat sports-related injuries. Platelet-rich plasma contains regenerative reagents that help to rejuvenate weak cells. It also has growth factors that speed up healing and the generation of new cells. It is used to speed up healing that has damaged muscles, tendons, and ligaments in injuries. 

Another theory is that PRP treatment for hair loss supplies dormant or weak hair follicles with blood which contains essential proteins and other nutrients. These nutrients rejuvenate hair follicles, allowing them to produce stronger hair strands. PRP hair loss therapy can also be merged with other hair treatment procedures such as follicular unit extraction procedures or FUE. 

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Once the doctor removes hair from the donor area and implants it in the recipient area, PRP solution is administered in the recipient zone to speed up healing. Besides aiding with a speedy recovery, platelet-rich plasma also helps implanted hair follicles to survive. This combination of treatment needs to be done by professional doctors and practitioners. 

The Cost of Having the PRP Hair Treatment 

If you plan to get PRP as a hair loss treatment, then y need to know how much it costs. PRP therapy involves three treatment sessions. These three treatments take 4 to 6 weeks. After surgery, you will need to return to your doctor for maintenance treatments every 4 to 6 months. 

When dealing with a reputable hair restoration clinic, the initial three treatments will cost about $1,500–$3,500. A single injection will cost you about $400 or more. Various factors will affect the cost of having the PRP hair treatment procedure. They include:

  • The advanced technology and tools used 
  • Your geographical location 
  • Extra nutritive components added 

Final Verdict 

Several options are available for you to restore your hair. Each of these options works out just fine as hair loss treatments. Consult your doctor first to understand the real cause of your hair to get a suitable treatment. 

Johnny Thompson

Johnny Thompson is a senior reporter for Generator Research in Los Angeles, reporting on technology, business, finances, and more. He previously worked as a reporter for the Wall Street Journal and got his start at newspapers in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.

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