Will The Future Of Work Be Bleak?

Technology is taking over the work, and the fear of jobs being lost to machines have become a cause for concern. Here’s why it shouldn’t be.

As technology has continued to evolve and become more available, so have the concerns related to job security. So much of the technology being produced has been designed to simplify business processes, with certain job functions being absorbed in the process. In this regard, yes, robots will take our jobs.

Now, before you get too excited, they will also provide new opportunities. So much so that the World Economic Forum predicts that 97 new positions and roles will be created as a result of this technology boom.

The world has been so concerned about worrying about the future, that we’ve completely missed the fact that it’s already here. Consider your mobile phone and everything you use it for. You make online bookings to go to your favourite restaurants use them to research new places while out and about. This means that receptionists and concierge services have become almost redundant. However, someone needs to compile that data while someone else develops the platform to host it.

You can even look at a simpler example, your washing machine. Back in the day, a tub of soap and water was all you needed to get the job done. We then had the washboard to help clean the clothes before finally being given the humble washing machine. The process of washing clothes has evolved.

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What does this mean for our jobs?

As new technologies become available, so do related jobs in everything from social media marketing to development. Of course, this requires a certain skill set to be able to do it, however, it is completely doable, and our schooling systems will need to adapt to the new world of work.

We have already taken on a hybrid model where people work alongside the robots that we so fear. Let’s take this a step back for a moment. Robots are not human-like metal objects that roll around the office. In this context, robots are the computer-based systems we use every day. Technology tends to be the driving force that gets things done, while the human aspect seeks to provide the interaction and monitor these systems.

It’s still a work in progress

While these systems are already in place in most parts of the world, some regions lack the infrastructure needed to make the change and transform their societies. The longer they lack the infrastructure and technologies, the further they get left behind and they can’t enjoy horse betting online either. So as much as this is a gamechanger in more developed countries, we risk widening the digital inequality gap. 

We need to find ways to give less developed regions access to the technological advances that are already revolutionising the world, otherwise, their livelihoods will be put on the line. This will do more harm than good in the grander scheme of things.

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So, instead of worrying about job security, we should be looking at empowering the rest of the world so that they can keep up with us.

Johnny Thompson

Johnny Thompson is a senior reporter for Generator Research in Los Angeles, reporting on technology, business, finances, and more. He previously worked as a reporter for the Wall Street Journal and got his start at newspapers in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.

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