While some places across the globe are struggling with food shortages and widespread starvation, others are experiencing the opposite: a ballooning number of obese people, some of whom die from weight-related conditions. The “Health At Every Size” movement (HAES) espouses the theory that weight doesn’t necessarily determine state of health, […]

Nigeria is known for producing some of the finest African Music in the world, with many well-known artists and composers have emerged from the country. While there has been a great deal of commercial interest in this African continent for many years, the Nigerian music industry and popular Nigerian music […]

Privacy Policy What is a Privacy Policy? A privacy policy is essential to your business if your company runs a website or a mobile app as privacy is regarded as a fundamental right by most, if not all countries. It is a legal notice on a website providing information about […]

Many people love drinking wine, but most of them are unaware that drinks can add extra calories to their diet, resulting in weight gain or hamper the struggle with maintaining good health. However, if you are wondering whether it is possible to drink wine and stay healthy. The answer is […]