5 Ways to Drink Wine and Stay Healthy

Drink Wine and Stay Healthy

Many people love drinking wine, but most of them are unaware that drinks can add extra calories to their diet, resulting in weight gain or hamper the struggle with maintaining good health. However, if you are wondering whether it is possible to drink wine and stay healthy. The answer is yes. Fortunately, wine is the most beneficial form of drinking if consumed in moderation. 

Here are a few things that a person should follow to stay healthy and enjoy drinking wine at the same time.

Know the Calories in the Glass of Wine

Merlot wine has approximately 92-175 calories per glass, and an interesting fact about alcohol calories is that our bodies digest the ethanol differently. A body carries excess ethanol into a complex metabolic process that involves our liver, releasing acetic acid processed by the body. Hence, not all of those calories convert to energy.

Be aware of the calories present in a glass of wine to limit the daily allowance. A glass of wine usually contains 126 calories. If your favorite drink has more calories, then switch it with the one that has fewer calories. Active males should cut down their caloric intake to 2800 calories a day, while females should cut down their caloric intake to 2200 calories a day. But what is strange is that if you drink more than you can digest, you are less likely to absorb the calories. However, this doesn’t mean that you can go overboard with drinks. It only means that wine calories are a little more forgiving than ice creams or deep-fried snacks. 

Before you Drink, Earn your Glass of Wine

An early evening walk will help you keep your metabolism up, which will further slow down the “requirement to feed” impulse that we often have at the end of the day. Walking is a natural decompression, and making this habit may help you reduce overdrinking as well.

Setting a successful diet means increasing the metabolism, and an interesting fact about wine is that it increases your metabolism for approximately 70-90 minutes. It is essential to maintain the balance of water in the body’s cells and drink a lot of water when consuming wine and liquor since alcohol is a diuretic. You will sometimes notice that beer is different from wine as it causes the cells to swell.

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Drink Dry Red Wine

The health benefits of red wine are more significant than other wines. Comparatively, red wine is also richer in antioxidants than other wines. Red wine has more powerful antioxidants than fruit juices like grape juice, blueberry juice, or pomegranate juice. These antioxidants or polyphenols prevent the occurrence of coronary artery disease, the condition that leads to heart attacks. It also helps protect the lining of blood vessels in the heart, improves the function of the layer of cells that line the blood vessels, reduces the risk of high blood pressure, metabolic disease, and protects against cholesterol build-up.

Drink a moderate amount of wine and whenever you are purchasing a bottle of wine, try to keep the alcohol level below 13.5% ABV. A random glass of red wine may also reduce the risk of stress and depression. However, drinking wine in excessive amounts can have the opposite effect. Many studies show that drinking red wine in moderate amounts increases longevity because of its antioxidants. Red wine also improves gut bacteria that contribute to improving metabolism. The resveratrol present in red wine protects against secondary brain damage after a stroke and helps prevent vision loss by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

Don’t Drink before your Meal or when Hungry

Studies have shown that drinking wine before a meal increases appetite when consumed 30 minutes before meals. So it is always better to save your wine for your meal. Having your feed before you drink will slow down the speed of absorption of the alcohol into your bloodstream. If you still love to have drinks while cooking, split the glass of wine into two servings of 80 ml each. 

Also, never drink when hungry, as consuming alcohol can lower impulse control, leading to poor food choices, especially if you are hungry. Drink during a meal as this will help you feel full and avoid drinking excessive alcohol.

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Maintain a Balanced Diet and Drink Plenty of Water

Consuming a moderate amount of wine along with a healthy diet can be a great way to enjoy food, drinks and maintain good health, all at the same time. Maintain a nutritious diet and make sure your bottle of wine doesn’t contain an excessive amount of calories.

  • Cut down on sugar. An excessive amount of sugar in the daily routine can lead to weight gain and other health issues. Cut down the daily intake of sugar to approximately 100 calories or about six to nine teaspoons.
  • Include proteins in the diet like meat, fish, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, almonds, walnut, sprouts, and plant-based protein like beans and lentils. 
  • Consuming carbohydrates is necessary as it provides energy. Fruits, vegetables, beans, and legumes are a great source of carbohydrates. 
  • Another essential thing to include in any diet is fiber.
  • Fats are also essential. So, include them in your diet. Consuming fats from olive and canola oils, lean fish, salmon, and poultry is considered healthy.

Also, drink plenty of water as alcohol has a dehydrating effect, and drinking water right after consuming alcohol can immediately start rehydration. Drinking more water in between alcoholic drinks will also make you drink less alcohol, resulting in fewer calories. 

The Bottom Line

Trying to be healthy doesn’t mean giving up all the fun and wine. Know your limit and the type of tolerance you adhere to. Learn your limitations, maintain the hydration level at all times, make the right choices when it comes to drinking, and you are good to go. Follow these five tips, and you can stay healthy without giving up your favorite glass of wine. But, before everything, a little bit of research will do the job.

Johnny Thompson

Johnny Thompson is a senior reporter for Generator Research in Los Angeles, reporting on technology, business, finances, and more. He previously worked as a reporter for the Wall Street Journal and got his start at newspapers in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.

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